
Syrian tank battles
Syrian tank battles

syrian tank battles

The fate of the other three was later uncovered: One of them turned out to have been killed in the battle and buried in Syria, with his body being returned to Israel after the war another was captured by the Syrians and freed two years later and the third was captured by a terrorist organization and freed via a prisoner exchange deal that took place three years later.įollowing the battle, eight Israeli tanks remained in Syrian hands, among them the one associated with the three still-missing soldiers, whose fates remain a mystery despite Israeli security authorities' efforts to gather information about them throughout the years. Six soldiers were unaccounted for, including Feldman, Baumel, and Katz. Israel suffered 20 confirmed losses in the battle, as well as dozens of wounded. The Sultan Yacoub battle took place on the sixth day of the first Lebanon war, whose official name in Israel is Operation Peace for Galilee, in June 1982. Despite government efforts, their fates remain unknown. It's still unclear to us if this really is one of these crews' tanks."īaumel, Feldman, and Katz. "They weren't members of the same tank crew," she said, "Feldman and Baumel (were) from one tank, and Yehuda from another tank. Heiman said that it's unclear which of the still-missing soldiers were part of the captured tank's crew – if any. But if an analysis and inspection of the tank would help get more information about the event, then maybe it would lead to other investigative avenues." "The tank itself isn't important, what's important is that the missing (soldiers) come back. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter.Katz's sister, Pirhiya Heiman, sopoke to Ynet on Monday morning, expressing her hope that the tank's retrieval will bring about new information. Three soldiers whose fates remain unknown to this day have long been associated in the public eye with this missing tank: Zachary Baumel, Zvi Feldman, Yehuda Katz. Russian President Vladimir Putin has recently signed an order calling for the return to Israel of an IDF tank which was captured in the 1982 battle of Sultan Yacoub in Syria.

Syrian tank battles